Dylann Roof and The Death Penalty
Dylann Roof has been convicted of all 33 counts against him, including the murder of the nine people in the Bible study group at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston. This is not surprising since he pretty much said, “Yep, I did it.” He hoped to start a race war. So far, he has been unsuccessful. Now it moves to the sentencing phase. He plans to represent himself there. He did that for a while in the first part of his trial. I suspect he will once again call for the lawyers. The big question is, will he receive the death penalty for his heinous crimes?
Many of my friends who will read this will immediately say that he deserves to be put to death. I agree. He does. But I am not so sure it is the best thing. I usually oppose the death penalty. I say “usually” because there have been some instances where I have thought otherwise.
In Roof’s case, I think it would be a less wise decision for many reasons. But I must say from the start, I have no feeling of pity for him. Nor do I harbor hatred, as strange as it may seem. To hate another person gives them power over your life, and he will have none over mine. I read of a Jewish rabbi who survived the concentration camps of Germany. After he was freed, he immigrated to the US. He said in an interview years later that before he left Germany, he had to forgive Adolph Hitler. He said he wanted nothing of that man coming with him to this new country. So he had to let it go. I want none of Roof in me.
Here’s what I think the death penalty would and would not do.
First, it would make Roof into a martyr for the white-supremacy cause he espoused. We have had these race based hate groups with us since….well, forever. They were very evident up through the 1970’s, then went into hiding for a while. They are coming out from hiding now. Some have had victory marches since the election. (This is not a statement about our president-elect, but it is about some of the groups who support him.) Roof’s death by the state would elevate him in their hearts and minds. It would give a face to their cause that they could rally around. I do not want him to become a martyr. I know some will say that by putting him in prison for life, with no chance of parole, would do the same. And while it is possible that it would elevate him in their minds, it would not be as great.
Roof’s death would not ease the pain of those who lost loved ones, or the three survivors who were terrorized by it. In cases of the death penalty before, family members of victims rarely, if ever, feel good about the death of the perpetrator. Some have expressed relief when interviewed immediately following the execution, but years later still find their lives haunted by grief. As one said, “It wasn’t enough.” It never will be.
Nor would it ease the pain and anguish of the African-American community, though if he is not executed we can expect to hear a lot of “if he had been black, he would have been dead by now….” kind of argument. There is much to do in our continuing journey towards unity and reconciliation. Another death will not move us forward.
His execution, while satisfying “the state”, would not deter further acts of this kind. When averaged together, states without the death penalty have had a lower amount of murder than those with the death penalty for the past twenty-five years. And the difference is increasing. The difference in the murder rate between states with the death penalty and those without in 1990 was 4%. In 2016 the difference was 25%. If the death penalty had any effect on murder rates, we would see that. It does not. Years ago I heard one very popular radio preacher, in speaking about this subject and of the impending execution of a convicted murderer, say “Well, it will stop him from ever doing it again.” True. But the chances of him murdering someone in prison are extremely low. Almost nil.
Now, what do I hope in this case?
The dark, evil, vengeful side of me hopes that he’ll be put into prison for life, with no chance of parole, never seeing any more of the outside world than he can see through the bars in his window. The reason is this- (unfortunately, but it is true) most of the people in the prisons in South Carolina are African-American. The very ones he wanted to start a war with, and the ones who he killed. I can’t imagine the terror he would have to live with day and night forever. I lick my lips with vengeance on my mind, and laugh evilly with the thought of it. Which, in some strange way, makes me just like him as he held his gun in front of those people studying the Bible. I have to admit it in order to get it out of my system. I do not want him or anyone making me into a person I abhor.
I know there are some people who say the Bible supports the death penalty, and argue forcefully for it. They are right. The Old Testament has the death penalty for the following (there are more, these just stand out):
· Murder (Exodus 21:12-14; Leviticus 24:17,21) (that seems obvious)
· Attacking or cursing a parent (Exodus 21:15,17) (our teenage population would go down dramatically)
· Disobedience to parents (Deuteronomy 21:18-21) (there go the younger children, too!)
· Kidnapping (Exodus 21:16)
· Failure to confine a dangerous animal, resulting in death (Exodus 21:28-29)
· Witchcraft and sorcery (Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 13:5, 1 Samuel 28:9) (own a Ouija Board? Sorry, got to kill you.)
· Human sacrifice (Leviticus 20:2-5)
· Sex with an animal (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 20:16)
· Doing work on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14, 35:2, Numbers 15:32-36) (there goes all of the people working in the restaurant business, along with about a zillion others)
· Incest (Leviticus 18:6-18, 20:11-12,14,17,19-21) (does that include cousins?)
· Adultery (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22) (Donald Trump, you’re outta here)
· Homosexual acts (Leviticus 20:13)
· Prostitution by a priest's daughter (Leviticus 21:9) (it’s tough being a pk!)
· Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:14,16, 23)
· False prophecy (Deuteronomy 18:20) (bye-bye all you forecasters of political events!)
· Perjury in capital cases (Deuteronomy 19:16-19)
· Refusing to obey a decision of a judge or priest (Deuteronomy 17:12) (you better listen to the preacher!)
· False claim of a woman's virginity at time of marriage (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
· Sex between a woman pledged to be married and a man other than her betrothed (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)
Here’s a list of where the New Testament specifically endorses the death penalty:
Some will contort New Testament writings, and even the teachings of Jesus, for the death penalty. But that’s what it is. A contortion.
The better angels in me, though, have another hope. What would it be like if he was converted, became a Christian? I’m not talking about “jailhouse religion.” I’ve seen enough “conversions” there to question most. (But, who other than God, knows the human heart? Sometimes conversions among those not in prison make me question.) But, what if he truly was converted, saw the damage that he had done, the hurt and the pain not only to the families and victims, but to our society as well? What if he began, from his own cell, to do the things for bringing people together? What if Jesus actually changed his life, and he began to live it out? There have been other folks who deserved the death penalty whom God used. The apostle Paul comes to mind. Perhaps God would use him from the chains of prison to speak to others, and lead them into new life. This may or may not happen, but if he is executed, it definitely will not.
During all these months since the massacre I have prayed for the families, prayed for the survivors, prayed for our state and country, and prayed for Dylann Roof. Like me, they are all part of this world whom God loves, and for whom Jesus bore the death penalty on our behalf.
While I read this with great interest I have to add one thought. This young man grew up guided through his brief years by adults in and around Columbia, SC that lived with the KKK on their doorsteps and rode on the same roads as the White Supremacy good ole boys rode with huge rebel flags mounted in the back of their pick up trucks. All the while folks turning a blind eye knowing the type of hatred all around them and did nothing to stop it or steer the youth around them onto the right track. The adults around Columbia SC need to look towards themselves and accept blame for what they created in this young man. Like it or not it was not this child that created the hatred this man developed it was years of oppression and criminal behavior that this man learned from others and the internet based groups. I am sorry that he did what he did. Nobody has the right to take another's life. It is sad that we as a democracy allow these hate groups to exist without penalty. Google "hate groups in SC" to see just how many there are and what they have been up to all these years. The Pelion SC area is known for their racist behavior and this young man walked right into their beliefs. All this should have been cleaned up by society and law enforcement years ago. Then this would have never happened.
ReplyDeleteThey always accuse us liberals of being soft on crime because
ReplyDeletewe are often anti death penslty. I have many reasons for my feelings, most of which you eloquently stated. I just do not feel that I have any more right to decide who should live or die than any murderer does. That should only be in God's hands, and I am amazed at how excited people get at the prospect of people getting put to death.
I will stop before I go on all night.